


Our sites are built with Google in mind from the start. To get a good position on Google, your site must basically be a good site! There are no text tricks you need a great site with loads of relevant, interesting, content. Your content needs to hold interest. Google will give you brownie points for this.

Search Engine Optimisation is a huge subject, best talked through before you design your site. We have some favourite tools for keeping your site optimised.

Google also likes a fast server. We build on our own Linux, Solid State Disk (SSD) Servers which are extremely fast.

We also recommend Google Workspace for email set up, which gives you a huge amount of space and spam filters like no other. It also comes with a great number of business tools. These are very useful for new and small-medium business as a back office for all aspects of running a business.


First your site should have text content on all its pages, this is what the googlebots will read when they visit, so it needs to be relevant to your subject. All sites will have a subject, the subject matter should be reflected in the page titles, text content and links to sites of similar subject would be a good start, even better would be incoming links from other domains with similar subjects.

If pages are more than two links deep then a site map link should be present to bring the content up the link hierarchy. If we build your site it will have a google site map which will request google to re spider your site once a week. If nothing has changed on your site then a flag on the server tells the googlebot not to bother. So regular updates are a great way of getting your site re-spidered.

New and changing content can be achieved with content management. This could be a news page, blog, forum or other gadget that you can login and update your site yourself.


Currently meta keywords don’t carry much weight on Google but they should be present. Descriptions can be taken and used on search engines if they are properly written.

Pages should be linked and run through, at least basic, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), so that spiders can read all your pages.